Sunday, January 31

My glyph market

I did a quick investigation of the glyph market on my server as I'm leveling my inscriber. I must say that I'm not too happy about the results. There is one player that have near 46% of the whole glyph market. I'm asking your input into this - is it even possible?

of glyphs
% of total
purchase value
Gimli2042439g 88s 04c4,55%
Dean2473901g 09s 00c7,28%
Druge2724870g 15s 70c9,08%
Hibo142424522g 81s 24c45,74%
Other 137317883g 57s 55c33,35%
Total352053617g 51s 53c100,00%
* I've given my competitors fictional names.

What I'm now wondering is if I really should bother leveling my inscriber with this daunting competition. How does your realm look like?

1 comment:

  1. Level it Read some guides on JMTC forums and do what you can. You wont start as big as him. Remember rome wasn;t built in a day steady incremental work will allow you to penetrate the market. Another thing is glyphs are a major income for scribes but Weapon vellum III, armour vellum III and the priest buff scrolls may be good for making gold in addition to glyphs.
