Thursday, January 28

Thorium prospecting test ...

I read the post by Bobreazes (Thorium Ore prospecting) and made some rough calculations. Current lowest prices on my server are Large Opal 9g 75s 00c, Azerothian Diamond 17g 55s 00c, Blue Sapphire 1g 20s 00c, Huge Emerald 12g 00s 00c, Star Ruby 9g 75s 00c. I was lucky to find Thorium Ores for 95s each so I bought 20 stacks. I also bought 12x for 83s 33c each. All in all I now begin my prospecting with 412x Thorium Ore.

Prospecting results: Large Opal (27), Azerothian Diamond (25), Blue Sapphire (28), Huge Emerald (27), Star Ruby (11).

Investment: 389g 99s 96c
Prospected value: 1166g 85s 00c

Now off to the auction house :-)

1 comment:

  1. Nice results seems like its cheeaper on your server than mine. I got 3-5 stacks for 30g-35g last night haven't prospected yet so i dont know myvaules new post soon.

    I hate random word generators in coments. just want to get that out there.
