Tuesday, February 9

What's love got to do with anything?

So it's world event time, again. I totally missed this one coming as I usually do. I haven't stocked. I haven't done anything to squeeze more riches out of it. Regardless of this I still see my steady income of around 1200g per day. I think that the main reason is that I play my main as a completionist. I want her to be as complete as possible when it comes to recipes and achievements and thus my main focus has been on what to do with her during the world event and kind of forget about my sweet small auction mole.

Last night I tried out the bracelet farming tip in Ulduar, that WoWConfidential wrote about. It works like a charm but I later found out that I couldn't mail the braclets or even list them on the auction house. So these now silently occupy my main's bags. To sell through the trade channel is not something I usually enjoy. At least I can look forward to not have to farm anymore of those bracelets during this event.

Anyway, the 1200g is from minimal effort; relisting twice a day from my previously built stock. I wrote about that I had too little gold that I couldn't expand the market and since then I've slowly accumulated some.

During this week I'm also conducting a little experiment that I will present on Saturday. I've also found new bigger players to the glyph market, not sure about their percentage though, but they list for about 15k.

I also converted a big stash of Bolts of Netherweave. I tried to craft another item this time, Netherweave Pants, to see if the materials gained from nuking these were any better than the other ones. These materials actually sell a lot faster. Quick calculations though show that buying Netherweave Cloth at 40s each and selling the enchanting materials does not give me a profit. The only thing I do is to siphon the market to remove competitors and, unless I'm storing the piles of bolts, this seems to be the cheapest way of doing so.

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