Saturday, February 27

Milling time...

I felt I had no clue about what the prices were of inks and in the next step what my lowest glyph price could be so I decided to investigate a bit. I bought a large number of herbs off the auction house and started milling, carefully noting the results.

I went through the lua-code of Auctioneer and made the below small macro to easily find what the herbs cost.

/script s,l,h=BeanCounter.API.getAHProfit(player,"Deadnettle",time()-86400,time()); print (s);

The above macro will search BeanCounter for all Deadnettle auctions the last 24 hours (60*60*24=86400). Just replace item names and time number as needed.

The result from my milling are displayed below:

438x Deadnettle
204g 52s 06c
46s 69c
203g 11s 98c
300x Icethorn
139g 00s 00c
46s 33c
139g 00s 00c
3450x Adder's Tongue
2459g 76s 65c
71s 30c
2459g 76s 65c

ppe = price per each herb
ip = icy pigments from the milling
ap = azure pigments from the milling
lo = leftovers
ap = actual price paid for the herbs deducing leftovers

Cost/IotSIotS/millCost/Snowfall InkSnowfall Inks/mill
1g 70s 69c
11g 94s 82c
1g 48s 66c
7g 12s 82c
Adder's Tongue
2g 37s 09c
13g 22s 46c
IotS = Ink of the Sea

Have you done any similar investigations? If so, what were your results?

Sunday, February 14

The netherweave experiment ..

As I promised last week I would present the results from my week's experiment with netherweave. I wanted to post this yesterday but I wanted one more scan day for the cloth, since I come to think about include it in the scans first on Wednesday.

Due to lack of time I've not continuously refined the cloth I bought which had a nice side effect as I now know that during this week I bought exactly 8799x Netherweave Cloth. In bags alone these have a market value of about 5500g.

I started the week with a full vault slot of Netherweave Bags. These had sold out on Friday. During the week I cautiously siphoned the auction house for cloth and leaving the odd stack there to keep the prices down. The main reason to siphon the market in the first place was to starve the competitors for raw materials so that it would bring the bag prices up.

The results from the week's measurements are displayed in the below images.

Netherweave Cloth
The careful siphoning of the cloth did produce the desired results and more. My aim was to keep the cloth prices stable but the trend is now that the prices are dropping.

Netherweave Bag

I like to think that the siphoning of the materials have had the desired effect on the bag prices as well. The trend is clearly showing the prices going up.

I made this a simple experiment with a market that I know by heart by now. The strategy in itself can be applied to any market I think.

I'd also like to put out a question for you readers. The gone by week I've sold for about 20k and invested about 10k. Are these good, bad, acceptable numbers? I've no comparison at all...


I decided to create 128x bags out of the materials and convert the rest to enchanting materials. Now 3 hours and 10 minutes later I have the results:
5x Large Prismatic Shards (market value 6g41s50c each)
76x Greater Planar Essence (market value 18g08s29c each)
542x Arcane Dust (market value 2g91s10c each)
Total market value:  2984g13s74c

Tuesday, February 9

What's love got to do with anything?

So it's world event time, again. I totally missed this one coming as I usually do. I haven't stocked. I haven't done anything to squeeze more riches out of it. Regardless of this I still see my steady income of around 1200g per day. I think that the main reason is that I play my main as a completionist. I want her to be as complete as possible when it comes to recipes and achievements and thus my main focus has been on what to do with her during the world event and kind of forget about my sweet small auction mole.

Last night I tried out the bracelet farming tip in Ulduar, that WoWConfidential wrote about. It works like a charm but I later found out that I couldn't mail the braclets or even list them on the auction house. So these now silently occupy my main's bags. To sell through the trade channel is not something I usually enjoy. At least I can look forward to not have to farm anymore of those bracelets during this event.

Anyway, the 1200g is from minimal effort; relisting twice a day from my previously built stock. I wrote about that I had too little gold that I couldn't expand the market and since then I've slowly accumulated some.

During this week I'm also conducting a little experiment that I will present on Saturday. I've also found new bigger players to the glyph market, not sure about their percentage though, but they list for about 15k.

I also converted a big stash of Bolts of Netherweave. I tried to craft another item this time, Netherweave Pants, to see if the materials gained from nuking these were any better than the other ones. These materials actually sell a lot faster. Quick calculations though show that buying Netherweave Cloth at 40s each and selling the enchanting materials does not give me a profit. The only thing I do is to siphon the market to remove competitors and, unless I'm storing the piles of bolts, this seems to be the cheapest way of doing so.

Saturday, February 6

Long week, new ideas...

I've been awfully quiet for awhile and the main reason being those bullies in Booty Bay that require me to work more than my fair share over the past week. (translated: IRL + work + overtime = no play)

Anyway, short update: During the week I've at least relisted my stock twice a day. This has given me about 1k - 1.2k gold per day. But with my listing value of about 6.5k I think it's quite good and points to that I don't have that much competition in my current markets... right?

I've stopped siphoning the market for Netherweave Cloth which is starting to show. I now have 5 competitors in the bag market and the prices have dropped from about 12g each to 9g50s currently. I've started tracing the prices now and will start siphoning again. The real problem being that I can't really store that much cloth (bolts). I've tried the suggested "tailor something and nuke it" to sell the materials but I find it being a non-profit approach with my realm's prices.

My siphoning strategy is now to buy all cloth at a price below 40s each but not 40s. I may experiment at leaving a few cloth at lower prices to keep the prices down. For example, leaving a few stacks in the 25s-35s range. I will list my usual 30x bags. Relist them at about 19:00 server time and then again at about 23:00 server time and undercut my competitors while doing so. During this week I will with interest follow how the prices move.

I've also continued leveling my inscriber. She's just entered Outlands and I still enjoy the feeling going from the old world through the dark portal. She's currently at skill 300 and have learned all minor research recipes. I've transferred all herbs from my banker's vault to her for milling. It was about 2 vault slots full of herbs from an earlier project of flipping all level 60 to 70 herbs. These being the leftovers and I ended on the profit side anyways so I use them for leveling my inscriber.